Wednesday 20 February 2013

10 Essential Tips for Decorating a New Home …

10 Essential Tips for Decorating a New Home … 

10 Essential Tips for Decorating a New Home ...
I’ve been searching All Women Stalk, Pinterest, and dozens of decorating blogs and articles to find tips for decorating a new home, because Heather and I are moving! We finally have lots of space and the ability to do what we want to with it – so guess what we did first? We got overwhelmed! Whether you’re renting a home but have the freedom to decorate or own your own place and get to do what you want, decorating can quickly overwhelm you! You want to do everything all at once, but that leads to going over budget and getting burned out on all your different projects. Because I want all of you to be as happy, excited, and prepared as I (finally!) am, here are the best tips for decorating a new home that I’ve been able to find!

1. What’s Your Design Aesthetic?

One of the most important tips for decorating a new home involves picking out your favorite aesthetic. Do you want a sleek, modern room that contains geometric shapes and sharp angles? Perhaps you want something more contemporary, with softer edges, or an art deco blend of cool funk? Whether you want a country motif or an eclectic boho style, you have to pick different aesthetics for your rooms first.

2. Pick Your Color Palette

Then you have to decide on the right colors. If you only know that you like purple, for instance, you can choose to decorate in varying shades, such as lilac with darker eggplant, or you can go with complementary colors. I’ve always thought dark purple and a lighter shade look lovely next to chocolate and cream. I suggest you take a look at an expansive color wheel as well, to pick out shades that complement one another.

3. Look for What You like

Spend time on AWS looking for design ideas. Take a few hours and devote them to a Pinterest search for decor ideas you love. It’s time well spent, because you can see what sorts of things you like, what sorts of accessories you have to have, and how you’d like to design your own rooms.

4. DIY What You Can

Pinterest also gives you lots of DIY pointers, which are helpful when you’re on a budget. Want a kitchen island? Larger ones cost about $500 – or you can spend $50-$100 on an old dresser and fashion your own island! There are tons of great ideas, not to mention inspirational designs, which might help you decide exactly what you want to do in your new place.

5. Paint Smart

If it’s possible (and you’re allowed), I’d start painting before you move in most of your furniture. Accent walls are fantastic, so if that’s all you have to do, pick the colors – but that’s not all. Have fun with painter’s tape! Creating an accent wall with stripes or crosshatches or even diamonds and diagonals is an excellent way to breathe life and excitement into your room!

6. Decorate One Room at a Time

Decorating can be overwhelming. Once you’ve painted and you’re ready to really get down to decorating, stick to one room at a time. That way you won’t be running around buying different things for three different rooms. Doing that is an excellent way to go over budget or completely burn yourself out. You might get bored, then you’re left with three half decorated rooms. Sticking to one at a time gives you the opportunity to decorate one room completely, take a break, then move onto the next.

7. Choose Statement Accessories

Remember that sometimes the smallest details make the largest impacts. Choosing statement pieces is a great way to add lots of zazz to your space without having to spend a fortune. Out of this world lampshades, brightly colored throw pillows, or wildly patterned rugs and drapes add lots of brilliance and vibrant color to your rooms. Don’t forget about wall prints, knickknacks, and vases as well! Just because something is small doesn’t mean it won’t be eye catching.

8. From The Window to The Walls

Speaking of your drapes, window treatments go a long way! Never underestimate your curtains’ ability to bring together the whole feel of the room. Whether you pick out one bold color, an interesting pattern, or a complementary print, make sure your drapes somehow fit in with your overall design scheme.

9. The Carpets Don’t Match The Drapes

But you know what? Your carpet doesn’t have to match your drapes. Tee hee! Creating complements and contrasts is the way to go, especially if you want a bold, eye catching room. Go with patterned rugs and solid curtains or vice versa, but make sure they contrast without fighting with each other. There should be flow with just a little bit of friction.

10. Smoke And Mirrors

In smaller spaces, mirrors are your best friends. Even if you simply want to open up your room, make sure you make smart use of mirrors. Create a mirrored mosaic or a display with different mirrors and picture frames. Breaking them up into smaller pieces isn’t as overwhelming as, say, a floor length mirror or unframed tiles.
Decorating your new place should be fun. Even if you can’t paint the walls, put up wallpaper, or make drastic changes, you can still do a lot. You can do wonderful things even if you’re on a shoestring budget! Just remember these tips, keep a clear head, and don’t try to do too much at once. What are some of your tips for decorating a new space?

Wednesday 13 February 2013

8 Techniques to Achieve Your Goals …

8 Techniques to Achieve Your Goals … 

8 Techniques to Achieve Your Goals ...
With the New Year here, what better subject to cover than different techniques to achieve your goals? I love having goals, aspirations and ideas, but sometimes I need to get a bit more practical when it comes to actually achieving them. Checkout these techniques to achieve your goals and maybe try some on for size… what have you got to loose?

1. Vision Board

This has to be on my favorite ways to help me achieve my goals. Take an afternoon to cut, stick, color and create your very own vision board. Fill it with all the experiences, achievements and things you desire and make a point to stick it somewhere you will be able to see it everyday. Seeing is believing, ladies. Use a vision board as one of the techniques to achieve your goals.

2. Baby Steps

Often we know the end goal, but the thought of reaching it can be a little daunting. It is important to remember that all the big moves and accomplishments that have ever taken place, are made up of a whole lot of little moves, or ‘baby steps’ should we say. Start small, tackle the task right in front of you and deal with one small step in the right direction at a time

3. Buddy Ups

I recently recruited one of my best friends to help me stay on track with one of my goals. Every Sunday we meet for coffee and I run through with her what I achieved since we last meet and what is on my task list for the week ahead. It is a positive motivator to know that your friend will be checking over things and a great excuse to have a good girly catch-up once a week!

4. Lists

Ohh I love a good list. Just the thought of crossing out jobs done gets me all excited in ways I know I shouldn’t really confess to. Create a list of all the ‘baby steps’ that need to be completed in order for you to reach your end goal and cross them out as you go. If it is a long running goal every Sunday write a list of what needs to be done during the week ahead in order to stay on track.

5. The Light Ahead

If you have ever run a half or full marathon then you will know just how amazing it is to see a marker every now and then highlighting your progress and how far you have to go until the finish line. Set yourself targets within your goal, mile stones that show you how far you have come and how far until you have succeeded in reaching your goal.

6. Reward Me

What is the point in working hard if you don’t get anything for it? Whilst you are working towards your goal reward yourself along the way for making progress. Decide at which points you will ‘treat yourself’ and let that spur you on. I was recently working on a huge project and after slogging away most evenings I would treat myself to brunch on Saturday morning and a completely work free afternoon… bliss!

7. Map It Out

How can we get to where we want to go if we don’t really know where we are going? One of the most important techniques to achieve your goals is to make a solid plan. Decide on both your short term and long term goals and regularly check up on yourself to make sure you are still on track.

8. Be Sure

Before you even embark on your journey to reaching your goals, make sure that it is a realistic goal and it is in fact what you want. We often fail to achieve our goals because we loose steam and motivation, this can be because it wasn’t something that we really wanted in the first place. Make sure you set out knowing that your goal is not only achievable but that you want it with every bone of your beautiful body.
There is a process to achieving your goals and if you set yourself up right and put the right procedures in place, there is no reason why you should not meet your expectations. Give yourself have a chance and have a plan, anything is possible! Does anyone else have any techniques to achieve your goals that they want to offer up?

Tuesday 12 February 2013

19 Best Ways To Lose Stomach Fat Fast …

19 Best Ways To Lose Stomach Fat Fast …

42 Best Ways To Lose Stomach Fat Fast ...
This fantastic list of 42 Best Ways to Lose Stomach Fat Fast includes all the tips you need to lose that belly fat that’ve been bugging you for months or even years. According to 2011 statistics, 90% of US adult population are not happy with their abdominal muscle tone and they would gladly have a flatter stomach or lose that stomach fat altogether. Not only is belly fat unflattering, but it has been scientifically linked to many health problems such as bloating, heartburn, diabetes, heart disease, stroke etc. (and you thought having a muffin top was the worst part!). The good news is losing stomach fat and getting a flat tummy or even getting those fabulous six pack abs is not as difficult and unachievable as many people think.

1. How much weight you want to lose?

Before you do your first sit-up or dump that Cola down the drain, you need to decide how many pounds you want to lose. Losing weight and getting rid of belly fat takes some work, and you really need to set a goal to keep an eye on your progress.
You’re not going to lose all the fat around your waist in 3 days, and you will definitely need to break some sweat before you lose that stomach fat. Just remember, that it’s completely doable and if you keep implementing these best ways to lose stomach fat, you’ll get the body you wanted in a matter of months.
So, once you know how much weight you want to lose or how many inches around your waist you want to get rid of, all you need to do is pick minimum 10 ways to lose belly fat from the list below and apply them for 2 weeks. Afterwards, weigh yourself again or take the new measurements. You’ll see that your waist is getting slimmer and you’ve already shed a few pounds. At this point, add 5 more routines from this list to the 10 you’ve been doing before and carry on for 2 more weeks. Then again, do the measurements to track your progress and add 5 more routines to the 15 ways to lose belly fat you’ve been using so far. Depending on your weight loss goal and your current weight, it will take anywhere from 4 weeks to 6 months maximum to get that perfect stomach you’ve always wanted.
Now, let’s proceed to the tips to help you get that sexy stomach!

2. Carry water everywhere to start losing stomach fat

Whether you’re on a weight loss journey, you’re trying to lose belly fat, or you’re just trying to be healthier, it’s always a good idea to keep well-hydrated, and to do that, you’ll want to keep a bottle of water with you everywhere you go. Sip from it every now and then, and you’ll feel fuller, more invigorated, and you’ll also be a lot less likely to indulge in a sugar-laden soda or juice if you’re not thirsty! This is a sure way to lose stomach fat fast, try it for a week and you’ll see what a difference it makes!

3. Color your plate

Did you know that the more colorful your meal, the more healthful it’s likely to be? Think about it: carrots, peppers, spinach, tomatoes: they’re all brilliant colors, and they’re all very healthful choices! Keep your plate colorful and you’re well on your way to losing that belly fat!

4. Cut out fast food – it’s an absolute must for having a flat tummy

Fast food is the worst culprit in the battle against stomach fat. It’s convenient, sure, but it’s loaded with calories and fat, and those calories and fat head straight to our “problem areas,” our bellies and butts! Skip the fast food, or at least opt for healthier fast food options, like salads (without fried chicken or calorie-rich ranch on them) instead of fries. But if you are really set on losing stomach fat fast, avoid the fast food altogether.

5. Cut out soda

A serving of soda contains more calories than a large banana, with none of the nutritional value. many of those calories come from high fructose corn syrup, which our bodies don’t really know how to process, and which often ends up turning into belly fat. Ditch the soda and save those calories for something much better for burning belly fat!

6. Doing your weight bearing exercises – one of the best ways to lose stomach fat fast

If you think you’ll need to spend the rest of your life doing sit-ups and crunches only, so you can burn belly fat and keep it off, that’s not quite true. You’ll need to do all sorts of exercises, in moderation, including weight bearing exercises, like brisk walking, jogging, and the like. Remember, overall fitness and nutrition is the key for losing stomach fat, and making sure it doesn’t come back!

7. Do your non-weight bearing exercises, too!

In addition to the weight bearing exercises to help you burn belly fat, you’ll also need to add non-weight bearing exercises, like biking and rowing. These two (weight bearing and non-weight bearing), combined with weight training and cardio, and some yoga thrown in for good measure, will give you a lifetime of fitness and good health — and of course will melt that belly fat away for good!

8. Don’t be complacent!

Once you’ve got the body you want (no belly fat in sight!), that doesn’t mean it’s time to rest on your laurels. Don’t stop exercising. Don’t stop eating right. Keep up with your plan, and you’ll keep your new hot body!

9. Don’t starve yourself! It won’t help you lose stomach fat faster.

Starving yourself will not help you burn belly fat. Cut calories, by all means, especially the empty calories, but to be healthy, and lose belly fat, you need to eat well. Starving yourself is dangerous, terribly unhealthy, and it won’t work anyway!

10. Don’t deprive yourself, either!

In addition to not starving yourself, don’t feel you have to deprive yourself all the time either just because you want to lose stomach fat. Is this carte-blanche for eating an entire carton of Ben & Jerry’s? No. But you CAN have a small dish, once in a while, to keep the edge off your cravings, and to remind yourself that life is good! Now, could there be a better way to lose stomach fat? :)

11. Don’t give up on your goal to lose stomach fat fast

After a couple of weeks you might find that you’re not losing weight or inches anymore. What gives? Don’t give up, sweetie! That’s just a plateau, a sign your body is adjusting to all of the positive things you’re doing. Keep going! You’re getting there! You are now much closer to losing all that stomach fat than ever!

12. Don’t try to isolate

It’s a scientific and biological fact: you absolutely cannot isolate one set of muscles and lose fat just in that one spot, and that includes belly fat. If there’s a product or pill that promises otherwise, it’s a scam, straight up. To lose stomach fat, you need to change your diet and exercise habits, all over. It’s that simple. Truly!

13. Drink a glass of water before you eat

If you’re thirsty, you’re going to eat more. Isn’t that strange? But it’s true. So before you sit down to eat, drink a glass of cool water, wait a few minutes, then dish out your sensible portion and begin to eat. Much better! You’ll be surprised at how effective this way to lose stomach fat is. Give it a try!
14. Eat 5 small meals a day to lose stomach fat fast
Rather than eating three large meals every day, switch to five smaller meals: a light breakfast, a mid-morning snack, a light lunch, a mid-afternoon snack, and a balanced dinner. Smaller portions more often will keep you from feeling hungry. And by the way, when I say “snack,” of course I mean something healthful, not a Twinkie! This way to lose stomach fat does not require a lot of sacrifice, all you need to do is figure out a schedule for your meals, and, with time you’ll be surprised at how eating 5 meals a day will become your new healthy lifestyle habit.

15. Give yourself 20 minutes to feel full after the meal

Did you know that it takes a few minutes for your tummy to realize it’s full? That’s why it’s important to eat slowly and take little breaks between the courses. Otherwise, you’ll end up over-eating, undoing all of the diet magic you accomplished that day, and that’s not what you want if you need to lose that stomach fat fast.

16. Get the right fit!

No matter how thin you are, if you’re wearing jeans that are too small, you’re going to have unsightly muffin top — so make sure you have the right fit, even if it means going up a size or two, and you may not need to burn as much belly fat as you thought! Now, this is probably the easiest way to “lose” stomach fat fast, but bear with me, there are many more ways that will actually require action.

17. Get your cardio going for losing stomach fat faster!

While weight bearing and non-weight bearing exercise is important to help you lose belly fat, you’ll also need to add cardio to your routine. Try for 20 minutes a day, 5 days a week. What counts as cardio? Anything that makes your heart pound hard for that entire 20 minutes: bouncing on the trampoline, dancing your butt off, running, you name it! Any cardio is good if you are determined to lose that stomach fat fast.

18. Have a specific goal in mind for your weight loss

In any endeavor, it’s important to have a goal, and keep it in mind. Make sure your goal for losing stomach fat is realistic, and write it down, repeat it: it’s your new mantra. This goal will keep you motivated on the days when you don’t want to exercise, and when that pint of Ben & Jerry’s is calling your name.

19. Ignore the hype when it comes to commercial products for losing stomach fat fast

Let me say this once and for all: if a special diet plan, a pill, or a piece of workout equipment promises to help you burn stomach fat fast, it’s a lie, no matter which celebrity says it works. The absolute only way to burn belly fat fast is to change your diet and exercise… sound familiar? It’s the second time I’ve said something like this in this list. It’s that important. Be skeptical of new products that promise miracles. They’re a waste of your time and money!